生活在感恩的世界  living on a graceful world

感激斥責你的人   Be graceful to those who have denounced you.

因為他助長你的定慧 for they have increased your wisdom and concentration

感激絆倒你的人 Be graceful to those who have made you stumble.

因為他強化了你的能力 for they have strengthened your ability

感激遺棄你的人 Be graceful to those who have abandoned you

因為他教導了你的自立 for they have taught you to be independant

感激鞭打你的人 Be graceful to those who have hit you

 因為他消除了你的業障 for they have reduced your karmic obstacles

感激欺騙你的人  Be graceful to those who have deceived you

因為他增進你的見識 for they have deepened your insight

感激傷害過你的人 Be graceful to those who have hurt or harmed you

因為他磨練了你的心志  for they have reinforced your determination

 感激所有堅定你成就的人 Be graceful to those who have made you firm and resolute and helped in your achievement



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